USMC 3rd Def Batt, Midway Is to Grants Pass, Or. 1941, Midway Cachet, 30c Winged Globe.
Price: $250.00
Item #n2684
WW2: Marine Corp Unit #590 to Syracuse, NY, 1943 Airmail Special Delivery. 2 x 3c Win the War & 2 x 6c Transports.
Price: $35.00
Item #n3815
USMC: Paris Island, SC to Denver, Co 1945.
Price: $5.00
Item #n4181
First Marine Brigade Provisional, Iceland to Orlando, FL 1942, Naval Censor. 3c Prexie booklet single.
Price: $75.00
Item #n4786
21st Marine Reg, 3rd Div Guam to Point Pleasant, NJ 1944. The 21st Marine Regiment landed in the initial amphibious assault to capture Guam. This cover was mail while Guam was still a battlefield. Many covers of battlefield origin are often water stained. The stationary used was often brought ashore in the Marine's pack during the landing and in the process the stationary became wet when the canvas packs absorbed the water from the landing or battlefield rain.
Price: $50.00
Item #n6167
16th Defense Batt, Johnson Island to Burbank, Ca 1943.
Price: $50.00
Item #n6169
Marines: Special Weapons Group, 7th Defense Batt to Philadelphia, Pa 1945 Censored.
Price: $10.00
Item #n6182
WW2: US Marine Corp, Midway Island to Pasadena, Ca 1942w "V Passed V Marine Censor DWJR" 1 1/2c Prexie.
Price: $50.00
Item #n6243
1st Marine Provisional (Iceland) to Salem, Or 1942, Censored, 3c Prexie.
Price: $25.00
Item #n6268
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