Covers :: Worldwide Postal History |
                           | Brazil to NY, Northern Pan American Line. 1940 registered cover with approprieate backstamps. Flap torn on back. | Price: $35.00
Item #1005 |
 | Kobe, Japan to New York City, 1908. | Price: $10.00
Item #10110 |
 | Kobe, Japan to Chicago, Ill, 1910, Forwarded. | Price: $10.00
Item #10111 |
 | Kobe, Japan to Chicago, Ill, 1910, Forwarded. | Price: $10.00
Item #10112 |
 | Wien, Austria to Reichenberg, Czeckoslovakia, 1934 Postal Card w/Czeck Postage Dues. | Price: $25.00
Item #10558 |
 | Rhene, Netherlands used Postal Reply Cards, H&G 15, Scarce used Both Ways. | Price: $35.00
Item #11168 |
 | Suriname to Los Angeles, 1947 Registered Airmail,. Backstamped Miami and Los Angeles. Govt of Suriname Seal on reverse. | Price: $25.00
Item #11209 |
 | China: Very Early Internal Chinese Airmail Cover. | Price: $400.00
Item #11251 |
 | Tokyo, Japan to Sacramento, Calif, 1929. | Price: $5.00
Item #11371 |
 | Kobe, Japan to Burlingame, Calif, 1936. Kobe Sea View PPC. | Price: $5.00
Item #11372 |
 | Vancouver, Canada to Goteborg, Sweden 1948 Airmail. 15c Rate. | Price: $15.00
Item #11374 |
 | Bright, South Australia to Ontario, Canada, 1935 2p Rate. Backstamped Iderton. | Price: $5.00
Item #11376 |
 | Nicosia, Cyprus to Chicago, Ill, 1958 Airmail. | Price: $10.00
Item #11379 |
 | Dodoma, K.U.T. (Tanganyika) to Zanzibar, 1955. | Price: $10.00
Item #11387 |
 | Cape Town, South Africa to Prince Rupert, Canada, 1959 Registered Airmail. Backstamped Vancouver and Prince Rupert. | Price: $10.00
Item #11392 |
 | Budapest, Hungary to San Francisco, Calif, 1939. | Price: $10.00
Item #11400 |
 | French Offices in Morocco to Transvaal, South Africa, 1926. slightly reduced on the right. | Price: $20.00
Item #11406 |
 | Dakar, Senegal to South Bend, Ind, 1950 Airmail. | Price: $5.00
Item #11416 |
 | France to Paterson, NJ, 1936 PPC of Eiffel Tower. | Price: $5.00
Item #11419 |
 | Guadeloupe to South Bend, Ind, 1949 Airmail. | Price: $5.00
Item #11421 |