DK Enterprise

Army/Air Force

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Covers :: Military :: WWII :: Army/Air Force
HQ, POW Camp, Camp Pickett, Va to West Philadelphia, Pa 1944.Price: $5.00

Item #20211

Czechoslovakia 1945 Propaganda Issue "U.S. Army C.S.R." Overprints on Germany Stamps. A set of seven German stamps privately overprinted to celebrate the American arrival in the former Czechoslovakia republic at the end of WW2. This cover previously sold at Regency Auction for $312.00 put the commission.Price: $200.00

Item #31050

APO 41 to Fresno, Ca 1943 Registered, Censored. backstamped APO 301 & Fresno. 20c Prexie & 2x2c For Defense.Price: $20.00

Item #37529

194x APO 505, Illustrated V-Mail from Britain to Parkersburg, WV. No envelope.Price: $20.00

Item #54208

Military:WW2: POW Camp Maxey, Texas, censored. Censored.Price: $19.95

Item #596

Military:WW2: POW Camp, Fort Benning, Ga.Price: $6.00

Item #655

Military:WW2: POW Camp, Camp Wheeler, Ga.Price: $6.00

Item #692

WW2: APO 713 Unit 1, Nadzab Airfield, New Guinea, 1943.Price: $10.00

Item #9760

Military:WW2: Lowry Field, 41st Tech Sq. A 1942 "free" poatal card from Lowry field, Denver, Colo to Cleveland, Ohio froma memeber of the 41st Tech School Sqd.Price: $0.99

Item #a908

Military:WW2: Army Air Corp Depot, Springfield, ILL. Letter enclosed.Price: $5.00

Item #a909

WW2: To U.S. P.O.W. Interned in Neutral Country (Sweden) 1944 fwd U.S. Military Intelligence/G2 (Extremely Rare). Address to T/Sgt Davis Maquire. Received Military Intelligence Division 3 Apr (back stamped), cover was forwarded by War Dept G/2 11 Apr (straight line hand stamp), received 17 Apr (pencil notation) then fwd to Receiving Station 9, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Most likely sent in a diplomatic pouch. Extremeely rare internee cover. First one I've owned in 40 years.Price: $500.00

Item #c4011

WW2: Birch-Morrison-Knudsen CO, APO 980, Seattle, Wa to Virginia, Minn 1944 Airmail, Censored, Special Delivery.Price: $15.00

Item #c4098

Military: APO 908 Chunking, China, Attache Office. From a Major with the Military's Attache Office in Chunking.Price: $35.00

Item #m1029

WW2: APO 650 WAC HQ Platoon (PROV), Italy.Price: $12.00

Item #m1155

WW2: 5 Cvr Soldier Ft Lewis preparing for Alaska. 5 covers with letters from a soldier at Fort Lewis, Wash preparing to depart for Alaska. All the letters are to his mother.Price: $15.00

Item #m1320

WW2: APO 971 Lao Yao Repatriation Gr, Shanghai, China.Price: $25.00

Item #m151

WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 7th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.Price: $35.00

Item #m1838

WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 6th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.Price: $35.00

Item #m1839

WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 2nd Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.Price: $35.00

Item #m1840

WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 3rd Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.Price: $35.00

Item #m1841

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