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Covers :: Military :: WWII
Military:WW2: POW Camp, Algona, Iowa.
Price: $12.00
Item #558
WW2: P.O.W. Los Angeles, CA to Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan 1945 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $125.00
Item #c3000
WW2: P.O.W. Los Angeles, CA to Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan 1945 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $125.00
Item #c3001
WW2: P.O.W. Los Angeles, CA to Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan 1945 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $125.00
Item #c3002
WW2: P.O.W. Los Angeles, CA to Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan 1945 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $200.00
Item #c3004
WW2: P.O.W. Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan to Los Angeles, CA 1944 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $150.00
Item #c3006
WW2: P.O.W. Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan to Los Angeles, CA 1944 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $150.00
Item #c3007
WW2: P.O.W. Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan to Los Angeles, CA 1944 Dual censored. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $150.00
Item #c3009
WW2: P.O.W. Los Angeles, CA to Camp #3, Fukuoka, Japan to Los Angeles, CA 1944 Dual censored UX27. Ernst Vincent was a civilian worker for the Bureau of Yards and Docks, captured on Wake Island and was interned at Fukuoka POW camp #3 (Yawata) on North Kyushu Island during WW2. After the war he was liberated and returned home.
Price: $300.00
Item #c3010
WW2: Argenteuil, France to Stalag XIIIC 1940 censored. back flap is missing.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2411
WW2: Santo Tomas Internment Camp, Manila, PI to Seattle, Wa 1945, Civil Censor. Mail from a former internee of the Japanese.
Price: $75.00
Item #m3121
APO 512, HQ North Africa, Algeriers to Vancouver, BC 1943. Froma civilian at Allied Forces HQ in ALgeriers.
Price: $10.00
Item #m3293
Japan: 1st Anniversary of Attached on Pearl Harbor, Hong Kong and Singapore PPC s, Mint.
Price: $75.00
Item #m4447
Unused POW Letter Sheet signed by Max Schmelling when he visited Luft Stag #1, Barth, Germany 3 Apr 1945. m6346.jpg.
Price: $500.00
Item #m6346
Free French Cruiser "Terrible" to Mass, 1943 Censored w/3c Win-the -War. mailed from French Naval in Washington DC.
Price: $75.00
Item #n6189
Covers :: Military :: WWII :: AEF
APO 771 to Nantucket, Ma 1918 Registered, Censored. back stamped APO 771 type A9113 & A9102 and New York, NY.
Price: $75.00
Item #m5786
APO 752B, Alpes Maritimes Rehab Center, Cannes to Jersey City, NJ 1918 (RARE).
Price: $50.00
Item #m5787
APO 709 to Newton, Ma 1918 Registered, Censored Type A9102. back stamped New York, NY.
Price: $75.00
Item #m5790
AEF Member w/French Amy to Detroit, Mi 1918, Censored.
Price: $20.00
Item #m5793
AEF Member w/French Military to London, England 1917 Censored,.
Price: $20.00
Item #m5797
Nice, France to AEF Evacuation Hospital #7, fwd to #90 1918. back stamped APO 751.
Price: $20.00
Item #m5802
Covers :: Military :: WWII :: Army/Air Force
HQ, POW Camp, Camp Pickett, Va to West Philadelphia, Pa 1944.
Price: $5.00
Item #20211
Czechoslovakia 1945 Propaganda Issue "U.S. Army C.S.R." Overprints on Germany Stamps. A set of seven German stamps privately overprinted to celebrate the American arrival in the former Czechoslovakia republic at the end of WW2. This cover previously sold at Regency Auction for $312.00 put the commission.
Price: $200.00
Item #31050
APO 41 to Fresno, Ca 1943 Registered, Censored. backstamped APO 301 & Fresno. 20c Prexie & 2x2c For Defense.
Price: $20.00
Item #37529
194x APO 505, Illustrated V-Mail from Britain to Parkersburg, WV. No envelope.
WW2: APO 713 Unit 1, Nadzab Airfield, New Guinea, 1943.
Price: $10.00
Item #9760
Military:WW2: Lowry Field, 41st Tech Sq. A 1942 "free" poatal card from Lowry field, Denver, Colo to Cleveland, Ohio froma memeber of the 41st Tech School Sqd.
Price: $0.99
Item #a908
Military:WW2: Army Air Corp Depot, Springfield, ILL. Letter enclosed.
Price: $5.00
Item #a909
WW2: To U.S. P.O.W. Interned in Neutral Country (Sweden) 1944 fwd U.S. Military Intelligence/G2 (Extremely Rare). Address to T/Sgt Davis Maquire. Received Military Intelligence Division 3 Apr (back stamped), cover was forwarded by War Dept G/2 11 Apr (straight line hand stamp), received 17 Apr (pencil notation) then fwd to Receiving Station 9, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Most likely sent in a diplomatic pouch. Extremeely rare internee cover. First one I've owned in 40 years.
Price: $500.00
Item #c4011
WW2: Birch-Morrison-Knudsen CO, APO 980, Seattle, Wa to Virginia, Minn 1944 Airmail, Censored, Special Delivery.
Price: $15.00
Item #c4098
Military: APO 908 Chunking, China, Attache Office. From a Major with the Military's Attache Office in Chunking.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1029
WW2: APO 650 WAC HQ Platoon (PROV), Italy.
Price: $12.00
Item #m1155
WW2: 5 Cvr Soldier Ft Lewis preparing for Alaska. 5 covers with letters from a soldier at Fort Lewis, Wash preparing to depart for Alaska. All the letters are to his mother.
Price: $15.00
Item #m1320
WW2: APO 971 Lao Yao Repatriation Gr, Shanghai, China.
Price: $25.00
Item #m151
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 7th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1838
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 6th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1839
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 2nd Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1840
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 3rd Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1841
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 3rd Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1842
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 1st Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1843
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 9tht Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1844
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 10th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1845
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 14th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1847
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Nov 45, 15th Army Corps Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1849
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Oct 45, Newfoundland Base Command Handpainted Cachet w/letter. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1851
WW2: APO 719-1 Palowan, Philippines, Jul 45, 3rd Army Division Handpainted Cachet w/letter, Censored. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1852
WW2: Camp Maxey, Texas, Jul 45, Infantry Replacement Training Center Insignia Cachet. Artwork of Cpl J.Barwicki.
Price: $20.00
Item #m1853
APO 124A, Nurberg War Crimes Office of Chief Counsel Clark Denny, 1946 to Rahway, NJ.
Price: $100.00
Item #m1897
WW2: APO 689 Evas Hospital, India to Los Angeles, Airmail 1942, Unusual Censosr Tape.
Price: $25.00
Item #m1902
WW2: MP Guard POW Camp, CAmp Crowder, Mo to Governor of Indiana, 1945.
Price: $25.00
Item #m1905
WW2: Military: APO 986, Alaska, Self Censored Brig Gen Henning Linden, 1944.
Price: $35.00
Item #m1926
WW2: APO 208, Germany, 1945.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2297
WW2: APO 343 to APO 72, 1945, 8th Army HQ Philippines.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2298
WW2: 584th MP Co, POW Camp Rosewell, NM, 1944.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2301
WW2: 384th MP Co, POW Camp Opelika, Ala 1943.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2302
WW2: APO 517, Chaplin Manuscript Censor, 1943.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2305
WW2: APO 407-A, Liverpool, London, 1947, M.A.O. Address.
Price: $8.00
Item #m2307
WW2: APO 317 Okayama Miltary Govt Team, Kobe, Japan, 1947.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2309
WW2: APO 201 Unit 2, 7th Calalry Reg, 1st Cavalry Div, Japan, 1948.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2310
WW2: APO 500, PAO Philippines, 1944, PAO GHQ Censor Handstamp.
Price: $8.00
Item #m2311
WW2: APO 812, 785th AAF, Hato Field, Curacao, 1946.
Price: $20.00
Item #m2314
WW2: APO 538 306th Fighter Wing, Fuggia, Italy, 1944, "May be Opened for Customs Inspection" H/S. 6c Prexie and 3c Win the War affixed to the cover.
Price: $8.00
Item #m2315
WW2: APO 714 Laoag Army AIr Base Unit #4, Philippines, 1947.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2318
WW2: APO 867, Vieux Fort, St Lucia, 1944.
Price: $20.00
Item #m2321
WW2: APO 925 Far East Air Forces, Philippines, 1945 S.W.P.A. Censor Handstamp.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2322
WW2: APO 234 338th Recon Sqn, Guam, 1947.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2327
WW2: APO 201 8th Eng Sqn, Camp Burness, Osaka, Japan, 1947.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2328
WW2: APO 343-2, 8th Signal Corp School Unit 2, Yokohama, Japan, 1947.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2330
WW2: APO 900 552nd Engineering Base Depot, Manila, PI, 1947.
Price: $15.00
Item #m2331
WW2: APO 758, 387th A.A.A., Camp Home Run, LeHavre, France, 1946.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2332
WW2: APO 407-A 3420th Ord Co, Liverpool, England. APO is a M.A.O.
Price: $8.00
Item #m2334
WW2: APO 23 6th Army HQ, Dijon, France.
Price: $7.00
Item #m2335
WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp Livingston, La 1943, Dual Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2409
WW2: Italian POW held by US Army, CampSheridan, Ill, fwd Buckley Field, CO, fwd Eglin Field, Fla, 1945.
Price: $35.00
Item #m2412
WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp Ellis, 1944, Dual Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2422
WW2: Italian POW held by US Army, Camp Lordsburg, NM fwd Camp Ogden, Utah, 1945.
Price: $35.00
Item #m2423
WW2: POW: US Pilot Held by Germans, Stammlager Luft 3, 1944. The letter sheeets has a "censor blackout".
Price: $35.00
Item #m2425
WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp Alva, 1944, Dual Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2435
WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp McCain, Mississippi, 1946, Dual Censored.
Price: $35.00
Item #m2436
WW2: German POW held by US Army, Winter Gen Hospital, Topeka, KS, 1943, Dual Censored.
Price: $45.00
Item #m2441
WW2: German POW held by US Army, Glennan Gen Hospital fwd Camp Cooke, Dual Censored.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2454
WW2: Illustrated V-Mail, Italy to Rhode Island, 1943 Christmas, British Censor.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2467
WW2: APO 655 to Los Angeles, Calif, 1943, Wrapper Fron w/6c, 20c, 30, & $1 Prexies.
Price: $25.00
Item #m2474
WW2: 504th Military Police Battalion, 1943 to Lackawana, NY.
Price: $50.00
Item #m2496
Los Angeles, Cal to Camp Gruber, OK, 1945 fwd Camp Hood, Tex. 1c Prexie.
Price: $6.00
Item #m2506
WW2: APO 635 BAD #3 (N.Ireland) to Roseburg, Or, 1945 Airmail, Censored. Cover from a Civilian.
Price: $10.00
Item #m2513
WW2: APO 980 (Adak) to Salem, Or, 1944 Censored. 3c Win the War affixed to a cover from a Civilian working for Guy F. Atkinsin Co in Adak Alaska.
Price: $15.00
Item #m2515
WW2: APO 413, Vice Consul (Richard Trudeau) American Embassy to Ryal Brougham, Seattle-Post Intelligencer.
Price: $20.00
Item #m2542
WW2: Camp Edwards, Mass to Ottowa, Ill, 1945 w/Ltr.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2543
WW2: APO 729 Shemya Island, Alaska to Seattle, Wa, 1945 Fm Civilian w/West Construction Co.
Price: $15.00
Item #m2551
WW2: D.A.A.F. Deming, New Mexico Letterhead, 1943.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2554
WW2: AAF College Training Detach, La Grande, OR to Hermosa Beach, Calif, 1943, w/Ltr.
Price: $8.00
Item #m2557
Alaska Communication System to Seattle, 1945. 3c PSE & 5c UN paying the 8c Airmail Rate.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2577
APO 500 (Manila, PI Theater) to Seattle Post, 1945. Circled US Army Press Censor H/S.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2582
WW2: US Armed FORces "FREE" Postage Label on a 1942 PPC fm Dover, De.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2594
WW2: APO 503 89th Bombing Sqn, 1943 Xmas Postcard. Creased.
Price: $5.00
Item #m2627
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