Covers :: Military :: WWII :: Army/Air Force |
 | WW2: APO 812, 785th AAF, Hato Field, Curacao, 1946. | Price: $20.00
Item #m2314 |
 | WW2: APO 538 306th Fighter Wing, Fuggia, Italy, 1944, "May be Opened for Customs Inspection" H/S. 6c Prexie and 3c Win the War affixed to the cover. | Price: $8.00
Item #m2315 |
 | WW2: APO 714 Laoag Army AIr Base Unit #4, Philippines, 1947. | Price: $10.00
Item #m2318 |
 | WW2: APO 867, Vieux Fort, St Lucia, 1944. | Price: $20.00
Item #m2321 |
 | WW2: APO 925 Far East Air Forces, Philippines, 1945 S.W.P.A. Censor Handstamp. | Price: $10.00
Item #m2322 |
 | WW2: APO 234 338th Recon Sqn, Guam, 1947. | Price: $5.00
Item #m2327 |
 | WW2: APO 201 8th Eng Sqn, Camp Burness, Osaka, Japan, 1947. | Price: $10.00
Item #m2328 |
 | WW2: APO 343-2, 8th Signal Corp School Unit 2, Yokohama, Japan, 1947. | Price: $10.00
Item #m2330 |
 | WW2: APO 900 552nd Engineering Base Depot, Manila, PI, 1947. | Price: $15.00
Item #m2331 |
 | WW2: APO 758, 387th A.A.A., Camp Home Run, LeHavre, France, 1946. | Price: $10.00
Item #m2332 |
 | WW2: APO 407-A 3420th Ord Co, Liverpool, England. APO is a M.A.O. | Price: $8.00
Item #m2334 |
 | WW2: APO 23 6th Army HQ, Dijon, France. | Price: $7.00
Item #m2335 |
 | WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp Livingston, La 1943, Dual Censored. | Price: $25.00
Item #m2409 |
 | WW2: Italian POW held by US Army, CampSheridan, Ill, fwd Buckley Field, CO, fwd Eglin Field, Fla, 1945. | Price: $35.00
Item #m2412 |
 | WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp Ellis, 1944, Dual Censored. | Price: $25.00
Item #m2422 |
 | WW2: Italian POW held by US Army, Camp Lordsburg, NM fwd Camp Ogden, Utah, 1945. | Price: $35.00
Item #m2423 |
 | WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp Alva, 1944, Dual Censored. | Price: $25.00
Item #m2435 |
 | WW2: German POW held by US Army, Camp McCain, Mississippi, 1946, Dual Censored. | Price: $35.00
Item #m2436 |
 | WW2: German POW held by US Army, Winter Gen Hospital, Topeka, KS, 1943, Dual Censored. | Price: $45.00
Item #m2441 |
 | WW2: German POW held by US Army, Glennan Gen Hospital fwd Camp Cooke, Dual Censored. | Price: $25.00
Item #m2454 |