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Covers :: Military :: WWI :: AEF
AEF Siberia w/C-1 censor, 1919. An envelope from the AEF SIberia to Missouri in 1919. C-1 censor handstamp.
Price: $175.00
Item #449
WW1:AEF APO 902, 409th Telgraph Batt. An APO 902, 409 Telegraph Battalion, supplemental registry marking type A9112.2 on a censored YMCA cover to Litchfield, Minn.
Price: $65.00
Item #h106
WW1:AEF M.O.B.(9) canx, 12 Oct 1917. An AEF supplemental cancellation type A9201, Money Order Branch 9 (APO 709) on a censored YMCA cover to Roxbury, Mass 12 Oct 1917.
Price: $85.00
Item #h118
WW1:AEF APO 761, 21st Engineers. An AEF rubber stamp cancellation type A1111 on a censored YMCA cover from APO 761, 21st Engineers to New York City.
Price: $20.00
Item #h139
WW1:AEF APO 726, 1st US Engineers. An AEF rubber stamp cancellation type A1111 on a censored cover from APO 726, 1st US Engineers to West Philadelphia, Penna.
Price: $20.00
Item #h140
WW1:AEF:APO 8, Convalescent Camp. A censored cover from APO 8,cancellation type A1001.1, with a return address of APO 785, Hospital Center, Convalescent Camp to New York 20 Sept 1918.
Price: $20.00
Item #h148
AEF Siberia, YMCA cover. 1918 AEF Siberia w/C-1 censor with a postmark of the US Postal Agency in Siberia cds.
Price: $175.00
Item #h6
WW1: APO 735, Base Hospital #7, Chief Surgeon. An 1918 cover from a Doctor at APO 735, Base Hospital #7 Censored.